China Glaze Afterglow. I found this polish in my stash a couple weeks ago. I was moving all my China Glazes into an Ikea Helmer, attempting to sort them vaguely by color. That's when I saw it. I didn't even know I had this. I don't think I've ever worn it. It's a shame, cause it's SO FREAKIN' COOL! It's a sheer polish with a milky nude-peach-yellowy pink base, which throws you off because it looks kinda funky. But the funny base isn't what shows up on your nail- it's the wicked blue iridescence! It has both a bright blue flash and bright blue shimmer particles. It looks electric. I can't stop looking at it. I think it would be amazing for layering over other colors, but I kinda like how this looks all by itself. This is three coats. I think one of the reasons I'm so drawn to this is that it reminds me of a polish I had in junior high. It was from Afterthoughts, remember that place? They sold cheap jewelry and did crappy ear piercing? Anyway, the name of the polish was Angel. Angel looked a bit like this (and a lot of other polishes, white with blue iridescence seems to be a popular theme).
So, there you go. China Glaze Afterglow. Cool polish.
You know... I really like doing random posts like this. I haven't had much time to sit and do 'real' reviews of collections lately (despite the fact that I have months worth of crap to post! Oy) and it really has me thinking.... Random posts are fun. Reviews feel like work, unless it's something I'm super-super excited about, and then it's fun.
And speaking of reviews, I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do my full Nubar Prism review soon, as I STILL haven't seen the polishes in sunlight. It's been... what... a week? That's Chicago winter for you. I really wanted to see how much they sparkle in real sunlight and get some better pictures. I may just have to review them with my initial impressions. Hopefully I'll get a little sunlight before they come out and I won't have to do that.
I think that's all I wanted to say... I feel like I'm forgetting something. I don't know. *dodges avalanche of green slime*
If I don't get another chance to post before then, I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas! I know I will, I'm making rum cake.