Saturday, December 25, 2010

Schwarzenegger Dog – Wendy The Bully Whippet

Take a look at the dog below. What do you think ? Pretty sure that you don't believe what your eyes are seeing, you might think that this picture is photoshoped, but everything is real.

The type of dog pictured here is a “bully whippet,” a type of whippet with a genetic mutation that makes it more muscular and faster than standard ones.

Wendy, the bully whippet in this photograph, lives in Victoria, British Columbia, and is remarkable in that she has two mutated copies of the gene and is therefore a “double-muscled” bully whippet who weighs twice as much as a standard one. The increased muscle mass, along with metabolism and extremely low levels of body fats, can translate to impressive super-feats, including marked increases in speed, agility and power.

schwarzenegger dog

schwarzenegger dog


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